State Voices Our Voices,
Our Power: 2023 Network Convening

June 12 – 15, 2023

Join State Voices leadership at Park MGM in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 12-15, 2023, to strengthen our bonds and prepare for 2024. The convening made up of State Voices staff, State Directors, and State Table staff will revisit our affiliate agreement— which allows us to analyze our commitment to each other and the network and redefine the internal structures we need to maximize our impact and develop a shared power building analysis to expand our political power.

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At our September 2021 virtual convening, every state in our Affiliated Network signed our new affiliate agreement and committed to an expanded vision around civic engagement that centers marginalized communities. Since then, we have worked to operationalize and live into the fullness of this new commitment while living and working in unprecedented times. Our June convening will encourage our network to go one step further. The goal of our gathering is to:

1. The National Coordinating Committee will revisit our affiliated agreement we all signed at the virtual convening and work to agree on how we strengthen our network through shared accountability and a renewed commitment to our theory of change. This allows us to define how we work together and the role we serve in the civic engagement ecosystem. Our goal is to produce an accountability proposal to the State Voices Board of Directors for ratification.

2. Together, we’ll analyze the pandemic’s impact on the civic engagement landscape and come to a clear understanding of the best practices to continue to build political power in marginalized communities based on data collected over the last two years. We will also discuss how we shift our work to support their needs, center racial equity, and specifically explore how dismantling white supremacy culture in our work can help us achieve our goals. Our goal is to continue to innovate our practices and shift how we build power in the field and remain on the cutting edge in our data practices.

3. The National Coordinating Committee will seek to find agreement around how we strengthen our collective practices to honor our affiliate agreement. We will deep dive into national-to-state relational structures to maximize our ability to coordinate, communicate and execute the program. Our goal is to gain clarity is what is needed to deepen and strengthen relationships.



    Monday, June 12th

    2:00 PM

    Registration Open

    3:00 PM


    4:30 PM

    Cocktail Hour

    Location: Central Park Terrace

    6:00 PM

    Welcome Remarks, Silver State Voices Remarks, Cultural Performance

    Location: Griffith 1-4

    7:15 PM

    Dinner & Socializing

    Location: Griffith 1-4

    Tuesday, June 13th

    8:00 AM

    Registration Open & Breakfast

    Location: Griffith 1-4

    9:00 AM

    Welcome & Event Overview

    Location: Presidio 4-5

    10:00 AM

    State Roll Call

    Location: Presidio 4-5

    11:45 AM

    Fireside Chat

    Location: Presidio 4-5

    12:45 PM


    Location: Griffith 1-4

    2:00 PM

    Nevada Partner Panel

    Location: Presidio 4-5

    3:30 PM

    Role Breakout Large Group Intro

    Location: Presidio 4-5

    4:00 PM

    Role Breakouts

           Exec Leadership/SDs: Presidio 4-5

           Communications: Presidio 1

           Data Room: Presidio 2

           Issue Advocates: Griffith 5

           Admin/Ops: Griffith 6

           Fundraising/Development: Presidio 3

           Electoral Organizers: Balboa

    4:40 PM

    Role Breakout Gallery Walk

    Location: Presidio 4-5

    5:00 PM

    Closeout and Appreciation

    Location: Presidio 4-5

    7:00 PM

    Dinner & Karaoke

    Location: On the Record

    Wednesday, June 14th

    8:00 AM


    9:00 AM

    Welcome & Day Overview

    9:30 AM

    “Story of Us” History of the Network-Interactive Activity

    11:30 AM

    Networking & Group Photos

                11:35 AM – State Voices National Staff

                11:50 AM – State Directors

                12:00 PM – Data Team

                12:10 PM – Program Team

                12:20 PM – National Coordinating Committee

                12:30 PM – Photos by State Table (First Come, First Served)

    12:00 PM


    1:15 PM

    Keynote: What’s at stake in 2024 with featured guest: Kelley Robinson

    2:45 PM

    Moving Forward Together – NCC priorities and input on our culture work

    4:30 PM


    6:00 PM


    8:00 PM

    Choose Your Own Adventure!

    Thursday, June 15th

    8:00 AM


    9:00 AM


    9:45 AM

    Skill Training Workshops

          Maximizing Fundraising Potential: Writing and Utilizing Effective Plans – Regents 2

          Making Your Table Shine: Visibility Builds Narrative Power – Balboa

          Generative Conflict – Victoria 1

          Building the Future of Civic Engagement Technology – Regents 1

          Declaration of Equity and Accountability in Ballot Measure Campaigns (BISC) – Presidio 4-5

    11:30 AM

    2024 Discussion

    12:40 PM

    Closing Remarks

    1:00 PM


    2:00 PM

    Convening End


    COVID-19 Protocols
    • Attendees must be fully vaccinated and show proof of vaccination at registration (we will not have them upload the card just be prepared to have it on hand when they arrive ) 
    • Attendees test and monitor symptoms before travel (they will not have to submit any results prior to travel )
    • COVID rapid test will be available on site but daily testing is not required 
    • Masks are encouraged and will also be made available on site
    Who will be there?
    • State Voices Staff
    • State Table Staff
    What to Bring?
    • Light jacket or sweater: While summer days in Vegas can be hot, evenings can be chilly. Come prepared by bringing layers. 
    • Comfortable shoes: The Vegas Strip is long! If you plan on exploring, make sure you bring comfortable shoes for walking.
    • Hat / Sunscreen 
    • Water bottle 
    Location Information
    • Park MGM – 3770 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

    The MGM Grand is about a 15 minute drive from Las Vegas International Airport, shuttles will be provided. Once you register, our team will coordinate a room for your stay.

    Important Contact
    • Your onsite events team:


    Jenny Girardi 

    Account Director


    Jill Davidson

    Account Manager


    Grace Gower

    Account Coordinator


    Hannah Cogsil

    Account Coordinator


    Children & Guest
    • Vaccination Requirements: All guests and children who attend must be fully vaccinated and show proof of vaccination at registration. We ask that guests and children monitor their symptoms before travel.
    • Guests are welcomed in the evening, meals, and group activity space. 
    • Childcare will be provided, more details to follow.

    Park MGM

    3770 S Las Vegas Blvd

    Las Vegas, NV 89109


    Contact Event Organizer

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