FWS South America Offshore Wind

September 18 – 20, 2023  |  06:00 PM


Bringing a whole new industry to life.

Starts in









Delegate Pricing


Conference Delegate: $1,195


Sponsor/Exhibitor Only: $795


*Attendee’s company must be a current Sponsor or Exhibitor


Government/University: $795


*Attendee must present Government or University ID at check-in


All Delegates have full access to the Session Room presentations, Exhibition, all Networking Events and Catering. Please book your Sheraton Rio Hotel Rooms directly from the event website for the lowest rate guaranteed.


Sheraton Grand Rio Hotel & Resort

121 Avenue Nieymeyer,

Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

+00 55 2121 05 1122

Contact Event Organizer

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